19th International Art and Graphics Contest "In My Homeland" Jury Board

The jury of 19th International Art and Graphics Contest "In My Homeland" will be held February 5-8, 2024 in the Green Cross Belarus educational centre. The jury includes professional artists, teachers and art critics from Belarus and Russia.

Yanina KRUKOVICH, Chairman of the Jury (Soligorsk, Belarus)
Head of the Soligorsk Children's Art school, artist-teacher, art critic

Aleksandra DEREVNINA (Birobidzhan, Jeweish Autonomious Region, Russia)
Teacher of additional education of the highest qualification category, Children's Creativity Centre, Birobidzhan, Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, member of Union of Artists of Russia

Tatiana ALFIOROVA (OMSK, Russia)
Director of the Children's Art School #1 n.a. Saniny, Omsk, member of Union of Artists of Russia

Irina BOBROVSKAYA (Khabarovsk, Russia)
Teacher of studio «ARHiP» of centre for children and youth «Voskhozhdenie», more than 30 years of teaching experience, highest qualification category

Vsevolod ROMANKOV (Moscow, Russia)
Art teacher of School No.1955 of Moscow, watercolor artist, Member of the Union of Artists of Russia, Honored Teacher of the city of Moscow

Elena SHAPOVALOVA (Krasnoobsk, Russia)
Head of the Methodological Department of the Children's Art School of Krasnoobsk town, Novosibirsk region, winner of the All-Russian competition "The Best teacher of the School of Arts", Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation

Olga LOBANOVA (Murmansk, Russia)
Chairman of the subject-cycle commission of the specialty "Painting", teacher of the Murmansk College of Arts

Aleksei BELSKI (Vitsebsk, Belarus)
Deputy Director for Educational Work of the Children's Art School of Vitebsk

Natalia KAMINSKAYA (Smolevichi, Belarus)
Teacher of art department at Smolevichi Children's School of Arts, teacher of higher category

Mikhail Maksimov (Mahiliow, Belarus)
Teacher at the Mogilev Children's School of Fine Arts

Piotr PROKHOROV (Minsk, Belarus)
Head of the branch of the Children's Art School of Arts No. 3 in Minsk, Member of the Belarusian Union of Artists, painter
Elena AHRAMOVICH (Minsk, Belarus)
Teacher of special disciplines of the I.O. Akhremchik Gymnasium-College, teacher of the highest category