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Conditions of the 2nd International Photography CompetitionGreen Cross Belarus announces the 2nd INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST CONTEST TOPICS:
We suggest that applicants focus their cameras on various episodes/aspects of contemporary rural life (scenes, portraits, venues): In a nutshell, everything applicants are willing to share with people from other areas and countries is welcome. The final exhibition will display images portraying both idyllic and mundane scenes of contemporary life in real settlements and villages. The photo works will be considered by jury in three groups:
According to Albert Einstein, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." "Ease of transformation and mind games" are the context we offer for this year contest. Here are three themes to spur you creative impulse: CIRCLE... TOUCH... RED… Feel free to either choose one theme you like best or any two that you deem compatible, or even combine all the three in one image. Dare, seek, photograph! However, ponder the above concepts before taking pictures, imagine what they may evoke. For instance, a CIRCLE is both a bagel ring and bagel hole, which is like a porthole you can look through. RED in Slavic culture is not only a color, it was a designation of something beautiful like a fair maiden, and a shining sun. As for TOUCH, the interpretations are even more diverse: besides a physical touch there is short interaction with something intangible like an art, feeling or dream. The photo works will be considered in the following categories: GRAPHICS, LANDSCAPE, PORTRAIT, STILL LIFE, STREET PHOTO AND MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY. CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION IN THE CONTEST:
WORKS ARE ACCEPTED FROM OCTOBER 1, 2023 UNTIL JANUARY 15, 2024 The works are sent to the contest through special free file-sharing services (for example:,, The link is indicated in the registration form. Fill in the registration form (will be open for applications on October 1, 2023) Please, be sure to specify the next information in the filenames:
For example, "Topic 1_landscape_Ivanov 1_Autumn morning.jpg" or "Topic 2_Ivanov 2_DSC-342.jpg " FINAL STAGE: The jury will review the entries in February 2024 and determine the winners in various nominations. The works of the winners will be included in the exposition of the final exhibition and will be presented in the electronic gallery on the official website of the project "In My Homeland" . The final exhibition of the contest will open in April 2024. Authors whose works will be selected by the jury to participate in the final exhibition will be invited to send their works in paper form, or they will be printed by the organisers. Competitive works are not reviewed. Paper works sent for participation in the exhibition are NOT RETURNED to the authors. The organisers reserve the right to use the originals and copies of the works in electronic and paper form for the promotion, support and development of the contest, as well as in methodological and charitable activities without the consent of the author and without payment of royalties. CONTACTS: (+375 29) 652 42 53 |