The first creative workshop of the project “ Dialogue of the Centuries: 1914-2014” took place

Young artists and art teachers from Minsk, Mogilev, Gomel, Vitebsk, Ochmiani gathered together at Education Centre of Green Cross Belarus on 26-28, April to start working on the project theme.

The creative workshops of the project “ Dialogue of the Centures” are held for the participants to ease their understanding process of such a big-scaled and contradictory theme as World War I. History, literature, art are helping to feel the rhyme of those events, they encourage us to think and analyze and suggest possible plots and ideas, inspire to create.

For the participants of the creative workshops two lectures devoted to World War I and literary and musical performance “ About love and partings” which was created on the basis of poetry compositions of Silver age.

The artists were working a lot on sketches. This helped them to concentrate on the topic and to look for ideas for their own creative paintings.

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