“Dialogue of Centuries”: Plein-air painting exhibition has opened in Vileika

More than 20 paintings created by artists at last year's plein-air International Cultural and Educational Project “Dialogue of Centuries: First World War and Peace of Today” are presented at the exhibition in Vileika museum. The opening ceremony was held on August 2.

In the plain-air, which was held from July 29 to August 15, 2013 in the educational center of the Belarusian Green Cross, 38 students and teachers, artists from different cities of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine took part. Working on the theme of the project, plain-air participants visited many places linked to the events of World War I, including Vileika. Wonderful excursion to Vileika museum and its branch in the village Zabrodie dedicated to World War I, was held thanks to assistance of Vileika executive committee (to put it in general, "local authorities") and a researcher of the museum, the founder of the charity fund of cultural and historical fund of WWI "Krokі", and artist Boris TSITOVICH. Now a year later the museum is hosting exhibition with the outcomes of the plein-air.

The opening of the exhibition attended artists- authors of works- they have gathered once again for the 2-nd project plain-air “Dialogue of centuries” which is on in the educational center of Belarusian Green Cross.

The exhibition will be on in the museum for two weeks.