The final exhibition of International Cultural and Educational Project “Dialogue of Centuries: First World War and Peace of Today” has opened in Mogilev

In the Mogilev regional art museum of P.V.Maslenikova on January 15, 2015 the mobile final exhibition of International Cultural and Educational Project “Dialogue of Centuries: First World War and Peace of Today” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the First World War, was opened. The exposition includes compositions on a definite theme, created by painters, and graphic works based on the literary works, devoted to the First World War.

And on January 21, 2015 in the Mogilev children's art school opened great exhibition of edutes created by the participants of the Plein Airs round the places, where the events of  the First World took place.

The exhibition will be on display in Mogilev within a month.