Студия "Графика" (Минск, Беларусь)
21 September 2018

Студия «Графика» и педагог Юлия Шатило приглашают ребят на обучение.

The results of the project "In My Homeland" contests
03 April 2018

Dear friends of the project "In My Homeland"!

We are very glad to inform you that the results of our contests are summerized and appeared on the site. Thank you for your art and patience.

Открытое дружеское обсуждение детских творческих работ
30 November 2017

В образовательном центре общественной организации «Белорусский зеленый крест» 29 января 2018 года с 16.00 до 19.00 состоится дружеское открытое обсуждение детских творческих работ, персонально предоставленных для этой цели художниками-преподавателями художественных школ, школ искусств и художественных студий.

Admission of works for International Contests “In My Homeland” is started
30 September 2017

Dear participants! This year we look forward to your work on three contests - the 13th International Art and Graphics Contest, the 3d International Cartoon and Film-Strip Contest and the 1st Contest of Literary Basis for Screen Work. We are very pleased that all this time you remain with us and support contest with your wonderful artworks, fresh ideas and kind words! We we are waiting for your works and remind you about some of the organizational aspects.

The results of the project "In My Homeland" contests
23 March 2017

Dear friends of the project "In My Homeland"! We are very glad to inform you that the results of our contests are summerized and appeared on the site.