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Admission of works for International Contests “In My Homeland” is open
The admission of works starts on October 1 and lasts until December 31, 2016. See the terms of Art and Graphics Contest See the terms of Cartoon and Film-Strip Contest We ask you to send them with regular or EMS post. On the parcels DO NOT indicate the value (price) of the goods. We do not go through customs clearing with the works arriving at the Contest, therefore those parcels, which are wrongly formalized will not be admitted to the Contest. OUR POSTAL ADDRESS: NGO “Green Cross Belarus” (Provided postal address is complete. The works are picked up directly from the post office.) Contest results will be presented on February 2017 by international jury board, which will consists of artists and teachers from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and other countries. The winning works will enter the exposition of the final exhibition of the Contest that will open on April 2017 in Minsk. It also will be represented on contest’s and our organization’s web-sites. To keep you informed about all the events of the contest, you can subscribe to the e-newsletter of the "In My Homeland" project (you need to send a request to the address This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the name of the recipient, as well as an educational institution, if the recipient is an artist and teacher). WE ARE WAITING FOR YOUR WORKS AND ARE HOPING In the design of the page is usedт work "At the Artschool" by Diana Kireeva |